Dr. Christian M. Meyer

How Web Communities Analyze Human Language: Word Senses in Wiktionary

Christian M. Meyer and Iryna Gurevych:
How Web Communities Analyze Human Language: Word Senses in Wiktionary. In: Proceedings of the Second Web Science Conference (WebSci), April 2010. Raleigh, NC, USA.


author = {Meyer, Christian M. and Gurevych, Iryna},

title = {{How Web Communities Analyze Human Language: Word Senses in Wiktionary}},

booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Web Science Conference},

month = {April},

year = {2010},

location = {Raleigh, NC, USA},

language = {English},

pdf = {https://chmeyer.de/research/publications/websci2010/pdf/},

url = {https://chmeyer.de/research/publications/websci2010/}


Poster presented at the conference.
Poster presented at the conference.